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Traveling After COVID-19 

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Months of self-quarantining have many Americans ready to book their next trip as soon as possible. While the idea of a vacation away from home is exhilarating, it also brings up thoughts and questions about what travel will be like after COVID-19. The worldwide pandemic showed us how travel could affect personal and community health. 

Thinking about the future, the nation responded by staying home and restricting non-essential travel to decrease the spread and save resources for high-risk populations. Speculating about the future again, the country wants to know how to prepare for life in the upcoming year.

The coronavirus will change aspects of travel as well as the feeling of safety. Although these upcoming changes will influence when and how we travel, it’s important to continue to explore our freedom to see the country. Traveling after the COVID-19 outbreak will play a huge part in restoring the United State’s economy. 

Should I cancel my trip?

Rather than canceling your plans, consider rescheduling them for a future date. If you have already paid for transportation, for example, then it will feel like a free trip when you rebook! Airlines and attractions offer credit to customers who need to reschedule their trip for a safer time. Postponing your trip will also allow you to save more for fun excursions! 

If your trip is months away, then hold off on altering travel plans. Every day more information comes out on COVID-19 and its surrounding risk factors. Plus, an upcoming trip is a great goal to focus on when stuck at home.

When is it safe to travel again?

If you’re like many Americans, then you want to know when it is safe to start planning your next trip. The first sign that it will soon be safe to travel is businesses reopening. Local governments want to return to normal but will only lift bans when it is safe for the public.

The State Department alters its four health-advisory levels as risks change:

  • Level 1 – Exercise normal precautions
  • Level 2 – Exercise increased caution
  • Level 3 – Reconsider travel
  • Level 4 – Do not travel

Depending on your destination, it can be safe to travel at Level 1 or Level 2. For instance, domestic travel may be safer than international trips. 

There are too many factors to accurately predict a date as to when it will be safe again, and spectators have guessed mid-summer to fall. A term we have heard a lot in the last few months is “flattening the curve.” We will begin to see the first stages of normalcy once America starts the downhill arc and there are fewer cases by the day.

In the meantime, you can start researching activities for your next (and very much needed) vacation and save the planning. Looking at travel deals like mini-vacation packages now can help you set a budget and save money later!

Vacation planning at home

How safe is it to travel?

COVID-19 limited traveling to only essential trips, like for food and medical services. Traveling mid-week and during the off-season when there are fewer fellow travelers are also affordable ways to reduce risk. 

Personal transportation may be the healthiest travel option in the foreseeable future. Unlike public transportation, your vehicle’s passengers only include your family. Like sheltering at home, driving contains and limits your family’s exposure to others better than commercial transportation. A road trip is a great way to kick off your vacation!

Airplanes filter the air circulated to decrease the spread of viruses and other germs. Post-COVID-19, airlines will ensure the best practices to stop the spread of viruses. For example, Boeing has already developed a prototype of a bathroom that disinfects itself with UV light.

It’s still beneficial to continue to avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth as well as with other passengers. Washing your hands with soap and warm water for at least 20 seconds is the best way to stop the spread. But, using hand sanitizer and wiping surfaces down with an alcohol wipe kills bacteria when you do not have access to a sink.

The use of travel masks and sanitizer packs will surge post-pandemic. More conscious and knowledgeable about the spread of viruses, American travelers will be more likely to take personal responsibility by increasing hygiene habits and avoiding trips when sick. 

What will travel be like after COVID-19?

After months of social distancing and quarantine, many Americans are looking forward to getting out of the house and traveling. Airlines anxious for their business are likely to have affordable tickets to popular locations like Las Vegas and South Florida

However, airline passengers can expect longer waits at immigration to leave and come back into the United States. Countries may decide to test travelers for the virus at the border resulting in longer queues as officials wait for results. International flights may become more expensive than before the pandemic, as airlines plan oversea routes to meet but not exceed demand.  

Vacation resorts have fewer turnovers than hotels, and owners feel more confident staying in a place they own. In-suite kitchens are cost-effective alternatives to restaurant dining, which families with young children and older couples may prefer. 

Like airlines, most tourism businesses will compete for customers with low costs and hot deals. Popular tourist destinations like Orlando will likely see citywide savings at restaurants, entertainment venues, and local attractions.

Disney Fireworks at night

More and more travelers will opt for the travel insurance option, which will cover changes to vacation plans. Families that need to make vacation plans months in advance may consider purchasing tickets now with travel insurance in case of cancelation. 

Lisa Johnson

Lisa Johnson

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